Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mohawks and baby smiles :)

How can life get ANY better??? My sweet babies in ALL their glory!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A few of my favorite things!

Penelope is an AWESOME baby! She is currently sleeping 7-8 hours a night (she is 6 weeks old) and has been since she was 16 days old! She is pleasant and calm and REALLY enjoys being held! None of us mind!
After 2 boys we were delighted to welcome a girl into our family. There are SO many NEW baby products on the market since I first had Rocco almost 5 years ago! (can NOT believe it has been 5 years!) Here are a couple I can NOT live without!

My very sweet friend sarah makes these nursing covers! They are AMAZING! They give you so much privacy when you are nursing on the go. The material is beautiful and breathable. Could not be without my peekaboob!

This is the BEST thing ever and I wish I had it with my other kids! It is the double medela breast pump. LOVE IT! It has helped SO much. I am able to produce more milk and store it or freeze it! I am able to go out with more freedom (babyless that is). I nurse her also. She has absolutely no problem going back and forth from bottle to breast. They can be pricey, but I was able to buy mine second hand at a GREAT price!

My brestfriend. It is a breastfeeding pillow which supports your back and encourages good posture while bf! LOVE IT! You can even walk around with it on while feeding your bambino! It also doubles good as a lap top holder! I first saw this product on the show 18 and counting on TLC. Mama Dugger wears it EVERYWHERE! If it works for her, I am sure it will work for you!

I'm Back!

I decided to start blogging again, hopefully I will keep up with it! I am sure no one reads this blog anymore and has given up on me, but I will TRY once again to be faithful!
Here is a pic of our baby girl! She is truly a blessing to our family. We are so thankful for her and praise the Lord everyday for HIS faithfulness to us!